28 May 2010

Glee is a terrible show.

But it does serve as great background noise when you're spending hours and hours drawing something. I really like how it turned out, and I love the new brand of pens that I bought (Pigma Microns, made by a company called Sakura. Check it out.) New pen obsession means new drawings. (:

I realized that I didn't have the link to my flickr account on the sidebar (to your right). Woops. It's www.flickr.com/heartisonthefloor (savesthedayruleswhat?) I'll be posting a weekly update of photos on this blog anyway so I guess it doesn't matter too much.

Take care of yourselves.


25 May 2010

What? Everyone's doing it.

Starting a Project 360 starting today. Basically, I'll be posting one photograph each day labeled "X/365" to my flickr account. I'll be posting weekly updates on this blog of all seven images every Tuesday, starting next week.

This is 1/365. (click for bigger picture)
Sleeper (1/365)
my sister modeled. (:

Also, I just finished up this drawing...

Yep. There's another almost-complete drawing that I will probably post sometime this week.

 I just finished reading Batman: Hush and it was really good. I didn't know a lot of the characters, but I still enjoyed it thoroughly. I also read the original 18 issues of Runaways and it's really super cute. I'd recommend that series to everybody. I've read way too many comics in the past 48 hours.

That's all.
Take care of yourselves. (:


19 May 2010

So please don't go away!!

Argh, I haven't been updating here as much as I would like to.
Actually, I haven't been drawing or painting as much as I would like to either.
I went to the art store and splurged on a whole bunch of new technical pens, so now I'm ready to go.
Ink drawings, commence!
I've been preoccupied lately with photographing the school play and whatnot, but starting Friday, it's back to the ol' sketchbook, I promise.


09 May 2010

Analog boy in a digital world

mmm, so I just got three random rolls of film developed, all exposed with various toy cameras. These are through a Yellow Peace and a 35mm Holga, I believe. Anyhoot, the photolab jumbled all the photos together on a CD so I'm not 100% on which camera each photo came from. haha

This is from DC. We went for a few days to see the cherry blossom festival thing.

This was at the WWII memorial. So pretty (:

The water was pretty dirty. haha

These were taken back in Canada on some random walk


Off the top of the AGO double exposure

 Cleaning out the house that I'm moving into this summer



ps: I love you mom!

05 May 2010

New painting

Fastest painting ever.
I started with a photo reference, but then got lazy and started winging it. I think it came out well.
Oil paint is so much prettier than acrylic, daayumm!
I'm tired.


02 May 2010

'cause I was thinking we could pull another weekender...


What's up, people?
I threw this painting together for an art auction we're having at school to benefit this really cute charity called Sketch.
It's diluted oil paints on canvas. There is also a weird shine in the background because the paint is still wet. 
I had a latte at around 11 and now I'm feeling pretty wired. I might even go and draw something new.
Lately I've been feeling like I suck at school. English especially. Urgh XD This Hamlet essay can go to hell!
I'm sort of hungry.
