23 September 2010

Finished my drawing. I like it. I'm going in for my first critique today. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really nervous, haha.

20 September 2010

I told you I didn't want my picture taken, but you snapped it anyway...

Hello internet!

This is my nearly-finished assignment for my drawing class. It's white ink on black card stock. I was going for a negative-image-meets-photocollage sort of thing. If anything, I think it has a bitchin' sense of movement. The quality of the actual drawing is pretty "meh", though. I'm not gonna kid myself hahaha.

I'm totally ready for another week of school. Bring it. Live models in drawing class tomorrow! Exciting! I've never really drawn live models before. I wonder if they will be clothed... haha.

Alright, later y'all!


15 September 2010

They must return to their lives once the hero has died.

Woooo. OCAD week two is almost complete! I must say, I'm having a great time.

I doodled this in the back of the sketchbook during my Color class (my dullest class, by far...)

kitties!!! hahaha


14 September 2010

What if we were created to gaze at the stars??

My new favorite song is "The Stars" by Jukebox the Ghost. Infectious piano pop at its finest. I am so smitten by this band. (:

Ummm... I just finished this drawing/painting for one of my classes. It's just a weekly exercise, so it's nothing major that I spent a huge amount of time on, but I still like it!

 So...yeah! That's that!


10 September 2010


So I finished another of my characters last night, and I cut both out this morning. I'm currently debating whether the cardboard is even necessary. We'll see.

I guess the cardboard thing just depends on what I plan on doing with all these components when they're all done. HMM.

09 September 2010

So I'm working on this mural...

I've recently stumbled upon a large quantity of flat cardboard, so I wanted to do something with it. What I decided upon was a cardboard cut-out installation for my wall of various characters. I'm gonna be drawing them in ink onto medium weight paper, placing it on top of a cardboard sheet, and cutting out each figure. Did you follow that? I guess it doesn't really matter, I'll show you what I mean when I get there. For now I've drawn the first little dude, which you can see below:

Oh, and this week was my first week at art school! It was very exciting. I like my profs very much. The vibe is very energetic and inspiring, I think. It's gonna be quite a bit of work, though. I hope I'm ready for it, haha.

Chocolate soy milk is absolutely delicious.

Alright, this is where I leave you guys. I hope you're enjoying life, whatever you happen to be doing at the moment. (:


03 September 2010

Don't you forget the things you're leaving.

So, my friends and I had our final get-together with the entire gang last night, before we all start moving away to our various universities over the weekend. I wasn't even the least bit sad until people started leaving this morning. I'm going to miss those motherfuckers like no tomorrow. I haven't felt aching in my chest so bad in a long long time. But anyways, that's that. I'm home now, and one of my best friends from Florida landed in Toronto late last night (she's attending the University of Toronto this year! Woo!)  So I can't be completely sad today.

Also, I finished this drawing a couple days ago for a guy named Gary whom I met over at absolutepunk.net. It's a new/better version of an old drawing I did, based on the song "All The Pretty Girls" by a band named Fun. And it was, well, really fun to draw. haha. I'm mailing it later today. I adore it (:

School starts on Tuesday, and I am more than terrified.
My Photoshop CS4 is acting up like crazy so I've abandoned the project 365 out of sheer frustration with the faulty software. Rawr. I'll be getting CS5 soon enough, I'm sure.

That's all. I promise I'll be updating more now that school is starting up soon.
